Reviewing My 2018

Reviewing My 2018

Hello everyone, hope you’re all well and having an amazing start to the new year!

I know I haven’t written a blog post in A G E S, but I thought it’d be nice for me (and hopefully for you!) to write an end-of-2018 “review” I guess; what was great, what was awful, and everything in between.

Of course, one of the best things that happened in 2018 was that my book got published! It’s been surreal – from receiving my own copy, to seeing it in a book store, to getting so many messages from people I didn’t know, some of whom I now consider friends. I have every message saved, because I still go through terrible times, and when I do, those messages serve as reminders for why I did this; why I wrote the book, why I went through with publishing when it felt like sending my secret diary out into the world for anyone and everyone to read and scrutinise. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want my words out there – of course I do, and I want to continue writing for as long as I can – but mostly, I just wanted to help people. People with epilepsy, chronic illnesses, mental health issues, the parents, families and friends of people struggling, and all the people who might not understand yet. From the messages I’ve received, I think my book is definitely helping, and that’s what I am most proud of. I’ve written another blog post on the book, so I just want to say thank you so much for all the support, and keep reading!

There have been so many lovely times this year. Aside from my book launch celebration party, I’ve also had a surprise party, surprise visits, a little holiday with my family and gorgeous times with my friends. I was well enough to see my niece in her first ever dance show (see sweet pic below), and I got through my first radio interview, even though I was beyond nervous… But, with the good of course comes the difficult, and from hospitals, injuries and medication changes, to grieving and missing people, to developing an overwhelmingly intense, real fear of dying in my sleep, I’ve had a fair share of hard times, like everybody else. Throughout the year, I also found myself having to make some incredibly tough decisions; decisions that would affect other people as well as myself, and I never take that responsibility lightly. I thought about every aspect, and in the end, I think I made the right choices.


Since March, I’ve been in therapy and my new therapist is awesome. It’s hard work – sometimes really hard – but I get to feel lighter, and my head feels a little clearer, and that alone is well worth it. I am learning a lot about myself, discovering the reasons why I am the way I am, and slowly learning how to control certain things, so that I can eventually lead a more content, peaceful life. For the majority of the time, I’m happy to open up about most aspects of my mental health. It can be daunting, but if nobody opens up, then nobody understands. If we stay silent, and others stay oblivious, and the stigma gets worse, not better. The world has come a long way, and that’s something everybody can be proud of, but we need to keep moving forwards. In saying that, there are a few things that I choose not to talk about publicly, because I don’t feel comfortable doing so, and that’s okay too. There are lots of small goals, in therapy and in life, but I guess they all add up to one main ideal, and that is to be happy.

> Feel free to let me know your best and worst times of last year, and how you dealt with them! You can do that by clicking here! <

Despite continuous seizures, my year came to a nice Strictly-happy, Christmassy end, and I loved our New Years Eve, playing board games and chilling out, watching the London fireworks at home with my family.

Thank you so much as always, and although I’m a week late… H A P P Y  N E W  Y E A R!

Love, Georgie xox



My First Book!

My First Book!

Hello everybody, hope you are well.

My original plan was to write a blog post every week, but obviously, I haven’t stuck to that. Sometimes, I just don’t have anything interesting to say, or my brain has been causing too much trouble. But, something pretty cool has happened, and because of that, I do have something interesting to say. I’ve had “write blog post” written on a (very long) to-do list for a while, because…



So, in May 2017, I finished writing my book and sent it out (with cover letters and book proposals) into the literary world; to agents, firstly, most of whom gave me the kindest rejection emails you’ll ever read. I was prepared for rejection. It’s never easy, whether it’s your entire career or your high school crush, but I had read about so many successful authors, who had been rejected multiple times before any of their work was picked up. I also knew that no matter how many deep breaths I took before opening a yes-or-no, make-or-break email, I’d still have to deal with its contents. There was one literary agency I was especially hoping to see in my inbox; they get so many submissions that their system is to reply to the writers they’d like to represent, but if you don’t hear from them within a certain amount of time, then unfortunately, the answer is no.

Some of the things I learned from my rejections:

1)    It does not mean you’re a bad writer.

2)    It also doesn’t mean that your manuscript is completely underwhelming.

3)    “If you don’t ask, you don’t get.” But don’t pester. No is no. I didn’t pester, because I’d researched the publication process and knew not to, but one of the kindest, most advice-filled emails I received made me want to beg. But, seriously, no is no.

4)    It doesn’t mean that agents are mean or cold – they’re not out to hurt your feelings. They want to do their best; for themselves, but particularly for you, as the author, and if they don’t feel they can represent you in the best way possible (for many different reasons), then they won’t put you through it.

5)    If an agent takes the time to advise you on anything, you should definitely take that on board. If they are not offering to represent you, they aren’t obligated to help you.

I’d also submitted my work to a few independent publishing companies across the country – sometimes, you don’t need agency representation in order to work with them – and it was one of these that gave me a “yes” and sent me a contract.

I. Was. Ecstatic.

But, having a sensible side, I didn’t sign the contract there and then, knowing my excitement (and my mum’s proudest smile) would cloud my judgement. I waited, then I read it again, and thought it sounded fine. Then my very level-headed uncle read it, and thought it sounded fine. Then, our family friend (who just happens to be a solicitor) read it, and she confirmed that it was, in fact, absolutely fine. I signed my contract with Austin Macauley Publishers in late September 2017.

Now, we’re in August 2018, and my book has been out for almost two months! The company, my family and my friends have all been so supportive, as I knew they would be, but I think the most rewarding part for me is the messages I have received from people I didn’t know; people who heard about it, read it and sent beautiful messages of thanks to me. Because they’re struggling too, with epilepsy, with different neurological problems, with other chronic illnesses, with mental health, and something in my book has helped them feel less on their own. A few people have said they feel less alone and more hopeful because of my book, and that is the BEST response for me. Being complimented on my writing is great, but to know that my first, difficult, very honest book has given hope to another person… that is everything.

My book is called Freaks Like Me, and is about my life before, during and after the diagnosis of a very rare, life-changing brain disorder. It is available at Amazon (UK and US), Waterstones, Foyles, WH Smith, Barnes & Noble, Austin Macauley Publishers website directly, and can also be ordered into independent book stores. Ask questions and/or let me know what you think on Instagram or Twitter, and you can use the contact page right here on my website.

So, for the last couple of months, my family have been running around sorting things out for a launch party, in which I also wanted to raise money for Mind. (Mind is a mental health charity, and they do incredible work for people in need; they’ve helped me quite a few times before, and mental health is very much an ongoing battle, for me and for so many others.) I worked hard trying to forget my “normal” insecurities, like the fact that I’ve gained a lot of weight, as well as my epileptic insecurities, like praying “please don’t have a seizure” etc.

The room looked fabulous. The atmosphere was perfect. It was one of the best times of my entire life. I was reminded of how much I adore my family and my friends, regardless of how much or how little I see them. So, to you all, I say THANK YOU. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for encouraging me. Thank you for being proud of me. Thank you for having a part in who I am today. I think you are sensational.

Earlier in the week, I was ready to cancel this party for a few reasons, all related to my health, but on the night, I have to tell you, I felt very genuinely happy. Isn’t that #goals? Because, even though I know I’ll destroy myself about how I look on pictures, I didn’t think about that in the moment. I thought about my family and my friends. I thought about the charity we were supporting. I signed books. I danced. I talked. I made sure everybody knew that the candy wheel was mine and my friend’s genius idea.

When I got home, way past my usual old-lady-bedtime, I wrote “even if I end up in A&E tomorrow, or I can’t face something mentally, or I’m just scared or sad or hurting, tonight I am happy and life was good.”

Love, Georgie xox


Then & Now

Then & Now

Hello everybody!

So, I wasn’t originally planning to make this a blog post, but there is something I’ve been thinking about lately: how my old life compares to my new life (though it’s not all that new anymore – nearly 8 years!) Old me compared to who I am now. It’s not necessarily bad – certainly not all of the time – but I think about it a lot.

My ‘before’ life just doesn’t fit me anymore.

When I was diagnosed, I believed I was trapped. Which I am, to an extent. I started to idolise my old life because I thought I was free then. I thought I could do anything, and I took it for granted. Which, again, to a certain extent, is true.

My 17-year-old life is not, even the slightest bit, similar to my 25-year-old life. I know, so many people – ill or not – could say the same thing. The world has changed them. Life has changed them. Work has changed them. Love has changed them. A movie has changed them. I don’t know. But, I do know something for certain: I am not who I used to be. I’m not the same, and that life doesn’t fit.


You know when you just don’t feel like doing something? No proper reason, you just can’t be bothered? Well, I hardly ever have that feeling anymore. I want to do it all, probably because I know I can’t. It’s a true phrase: ‘we always want what we can’t have.’

Sometimes, it can be hard to get through to people, even the most understanding souls, that I can’t do it all. Because I take tablets – multiple medications – that make me more tired than tired should be. Because I have seizures all of the time, and even if I’m not unconscious and convulsing on the floor, I could still be having them. Absent seizures. My brain is still playing up for the majority of my time. And sometimes, I’m probably not telling you (unless you’re my mum!) that I’m feeling ‘off.’ Because we’re having a nice time, and I don’t want to mess it up. I don’t want you to take me home, or feel like you should go home. So, I try my best to remember what you/we were saying or doing. I try to remember everything. Even if I forget it later – which happens a lot – at least I’ll know for now.

These are just examples, but I used to walk a lot. Alone. It wasn’t, like, a weird thing. I’m just often surrounded by people, which I enjoy and am so grateful for, but sometimes, I need a break. Pre-diagnosis, I could take that break. Now, I can’t.

Things need to be planned. It all takes thought and preparation. I need someone to be with me. I need them to have their phone, with enough battery to call 999, a rescue medication, water. I also need my inhaler. I can’t really go if it’s ridiculously hot outside. I can’t go if its rainy, stormy weather. Sometimes, getting sick can’t be helped. But, I won’t do anything that has a high chance of making me sick. Because then, I’ll have more seizures. I don’t like walking on main roads because if I have a seizure, everyone will see the commotion.

That’s what my life feels like sometimes. Those five words. “If I have a seizure…”

I used to go on public transport. I mean, I was never its biggest fan. I’ve always preferred the car, but I could jump on a train. Easy. Buses were harder because I just feel anxious on them. That’s without a brain disorder or mental health issues. But still, I could do them if I had to. Now, I can’t.

I can’t be guaranteed a seat, and I need one – if I’m going to fall, it’s going to be easier from a seated position. Again, I need someone with me the whole time, and again, they need a charged phone and a rescue med, and the confidence to administer it. They also need the ability to calm me down, because if a train is crowded (or even if it’s not), the mixture of fear, stress, that feeling of the walls caving in, the worry about if I have a seizure, how everyone will react if I do… that’s going to bring on a panic attack. Probably major. I’d be surprised if it didn’t. The motion on a normal train also makes me feel sick. Which makes me scared that I’m going to puke. Which also makes me panic.

I can’t just go out to eat, to the beach, to see a movie… I can’t just go to the gym. (If you follow my Instagram, you’ll know that I recently had a seizure on a treadmill. Scary!) I mean, I can’t even use the knife to chop up salad for our dinner tonight. But, I guess that’s a good excuse for never having to contribute to making dinner.

I know your (meaning whoever is reading this) life isn’t easy either. I know you might think I’m complaining too much. I’d say I’m not, but that would be wrong of me. I am complaining. Because it’s hard. It’s much, much harder than my 17-year-old self could ever have imagined.

I was writing this yesterday, late afternoon. Just to feel better in myself, because writing it down tends to help me. But, I got up to use the bathroom, and had 3 tonic-clonic seizures back-to-back, then 2 absent seizures when I finally came around.

The paramedics rushed me to hospital and were worried about the chest pain I was having. Turns out I’d hit that area during the fall. My neck and back twisted during the convulsing, and I have muscular damage to the left side of my neck, which means I can only move it so far before the pain stops me. I still have this kind of ‘numb’ feeling in a few of my fingers. I also have ligament damage to my right wrist.

Last night, I missed out on a family wedding party. Now, honestly, I wasn’t actually planning to go. My medication is changing, and I’m adjusting – mind and body – and I’m feeling ‘strange’ most of the time. So, as much as I’d have liked to go, it wasn’t the best choice. Still, I had a choice. But then, in the blink of an eye, I didn’t. And neither did my mum.

As down-hearted as this may feel, it’s not like that. I feel very very lucky. I feel like I must have some kind of guardian angel. Nothing can stop the seizures – not presently anyway (there is always hope!) – but something has stopped me from dying. I’m really sorry if that sounds blunt or horrible, but that’s the truth. That’s the worst-case scenario.

Today, I’m not feeling my best. Understandably. I’m tired. I’m in pain. I’m snappy, because of those things. I’m on egg shells. Like it’s going to happen again today. Later. In ten minutes. Right now…

Okay, well it didn’t happen right then, so that’s good!

I hope that if I really do have some kind of guardian angel, they can please let me have at least this one day, to rest. Most importantly, for my family to breathe. It’s not just me who goes through this. My closest people go through it for me too. I should probably remember that when I’m snapping at them…

Hope everyone is having a great weekend, and my next post will be super exciting! I have it all planned out, but I can’t post it just yet.

Love, Georgie xox

PS. My sisters brought me a goody-bag home from the wedding! Yay! They are #SisterGoals

“I Have Brain Zaps!”

“I Have Brain Zaps!”

Hello everybody, hope you’re all doing well.


First of all, I know I haven’t written a blog post in A G E S. Hope you like my websites new beach hut theme! #SummerVibes

I have loads of ideas for future posts and projects, but lately, I’ve been super busy with things concerning my book, but also, I’ve been suffering quite a bit. That’s what this post is going to be about. So, here goes.

If you know me personally, you’ll probably know that I take multiple tablets every single day and every single night. For epilepsy. For depression. For anxiety. Then, there’s pain medication. Rescue medication. Preventer and reliever inhalers. Multi-vitamins.

It’s a lot. But, it’s a lot more than just taking tablets.

For the last few weeks, one of my medications has been in the process of changing. I very quickly started feeling like I was having electric shocks in my brain. There were gone almost as quickly as they came, but then they were back. Repetitive. I didn’t really think about it being a side effect, until the feeling became unbearable, and started affecting my arms and hands too.

I know doctors usually advise against googling your symptoms, but I’m glad I did, because I found out that the electric shock feeling was normal for my specific medicine, while it was changing. They call them “brain zaps”, which is a completely accurate description.

They weren’t exactly painful, but very alarming and almost constant, so it affected my everyday life. It stopped me in my tracks multiple times, and at night-time, they felt even more overwhelming, to the point where I couldn’t cope staying in the room on my own.

I mean, going to sleep is like the only time I’m completely alone. It doesn’t sound like a big deal, especially because I understand why it’s not safe for me to be on my own. But, these days, I actually like going to bed, because it’s often when I sort through my personal thoughts. I know that sounds kind of weird, but I just mean thoughts that aren’t about writing books and blog posts, and it is a time when I try not to think about my seizures.

So, that’s brings me onto seizures. My disorder is not under control, despite the religious taking of these medications, and it’s scary. The people around me always commend my strength and bravery, but sometimes, I don’t feel brave at all. I deal with it, because I have to, but dealing with it has never once been an easy task. My seizures feel relentless.

There are triggers I can avoid – alcohol, for example – but there are also triggers I can’t avoid (or, at least, I can’t always avoid), like my stress levels. The thing is, with my disorder being so rare, I’d still have seizures, even if I could stay away from any potential trigger. That’s a fact, not just a thought.

So, on top of these brain zaps, I’ve also kept on having seizures, and dealing with the aftermath.

I’ve been suffering other side effects too, but the more “expected” ones, I guess:

  • Headaches. Really really bad ones.
  • Exhaustion.
  • Shaking
  • Light-headedness. 
  • Diarrhoea – sorry to be gross, but yeah. 
  • Nausea. 
  • Irritability and changes in mood (I literally snapped at everyone, and I promise I’m not usually that kind of person!)

Together with seizures, this has stopped me from doing certain things lately. It has meant that I’ve let people down, which is a feeling I hate, but have to experience quite often. It has caused sleep disturbances, which is another thing my epilepsy doesn’t like. It has put extra pressure on my family, because I kept getting so frustrated at everything. It has stopped me from completing tasks and staying focused and having some semblance of a routine. My additional symptoms have had an effect on my mental health too, and that’s a part of me that is already fractured…

Okay, I’m going to stop now. I do realise this post has become a bit of a rant, and I’m sorry about that. But, it can be so hard sometimes. Overwhelmingly hard. At times, I find that people still think it’s just the seizures. But, it’s not.

I tend not to complain, and I always try to laugh about things, because the other option is crying my time away. No thanks. So, this is just an insight; a small part of all the things people don’t see.

As people, we are all so complex, and our problems are more intense than we probably allow other people to see. With that being said, my message is: if you want to let it out, just let it out!

It’s okay to complain sometimes. It’s okay to acknowledge that life is tough, that school/work is boring you senseless, that your child’s tantrums are driving you crazy, or maybe you’re a teenager, a bit mixed-up in the modern world, feeling like your parents just do not understand a n y t h i n g. (We’ve all been there!)

Go to someone you trust. Someone who lets you shout and scream, if that’s what you need.

If not, you can always contact me about it, by clicking here. I’ll be there for you!

(Who started singing the Friends theme tune then?!)

Love, Georgie xox

PS. You should also check out my gallery page, to see what I did to cheer myself up 🙂

Through The Eyes Of The Anxious

Through The Eyes Of The Anxious

Hello everybody!

Welcome to my third (and most difficult) blog post! I’ve considered posting something like this for a while now, but I always seem to talk myself out of it.

What if people think I’m attention seeking? What if it comes across like I’m sort of “capitalising” on my mental health battles? What if I’m laughed at? What if people don’t understand? But, that final “what if” was the one that made me want to do this. Because, really, why can’t I help people to understand? Why would I sit around, waiting and hoping and wishing that the general public will someday just “get it”, when I could be helping to achieve that?

Then, yesterday, something happened to me, and I thought I best do this now, while it’s still very raw in my mind. So, here goes…

A few years ago, I was at rock bottom. Mentally, I mean. The “lowest point” is different for everybody, and it probably changes with life experience too. I remember, in an episode of Friends, Rachel says “it’s like there’s rock bottom, fifty feet of crap, then me.” As bizarre as it may be to use a Friends quote in a mental health post, it’s pretty relevant here. At some time in life, you might reach a point where “lower” doesn’t exist. You’re at the lowest you can be. That’s where “the only way is up” saying comes into play. The problem is, what if “the only way” is stuck there? What if you remain stagnant, right at the bottom, watching other people live their lives as you become more and more riddled with fear and intense sadness, wishing you could be anyone other than you? Not fun.

It took a l o n g time, and a lot of nagging from the people who love me, but I finally accepted that I needed some help. I went to see my doctor, and was diagnosed with clinical depression and chronic anxiety. He also referred me to a therapist. Now, the depression side, I’ll go into some other time, but today, it has to be anxiety!

You see, despite the progress I have made (and will continue to make), and despite the multiple methods of help I have received over the years, I am still very much in this battle. And it is a HARD fight. That’s not to say I wake up every day feeling terrified to open my curtains (bearing in mind, I have been in that place before). There are times when I feel fine – pretty level-headed – and as ready as I can be to face what is ahead.

Now, since I have a unique set of medical circumstances, which make every day unpredictable, it’s pretty normal that I will always carry a bit of anxiety with me. But I’ve learnt that there is a huge difference between fearing a seizure, and fearing everything. That brings me to the events of yesterday.

I haven’t been very well, which is uncommon for me. I have seizures, and I experience side effects from my medications, but I don’t really get sick. (I’m lucky in that way!) So, I’m still not 100% and yesterday, I guess you could say I woke up on the wrong side of the bed! I still didn’t feel right. The cut on my tongue was still hurting from my most recent seizure. My hair was greasy. My face looked awful (redness, hormonal spots, acne scarring… if you are a teenager, DO NOT PICK YOUR SPOTS). Ran out of my favourite perfume. Hadn’t slept very well. Couldn’t find the top I wanted to wear. Irritable. Unintentionally snappy. I was basically hating on life a bit! I called a taxi because I was going, with my younger sister, to meet our Mum and older sister at the salon. Then, I lost some time…

The first thing I noticed was the unfamiliar surroundings. A man I didn’t know driving me to a place I didn’t know I was going to. I had no idea what was going on. Who is he? I need to get out of this car. I don’t know him. Where am I going? What am I doing? What is happening? By the time I’d realised that my sister, who can deal with these attacks like an expert at this point, was there and already trying to talk me around, it was too late. Had she not been holding onto me, I would have tried to get out of the car while it was moving.

Hysterical, I jumped out of the car as soon as it came to a stop, and she guided my jelly-legged self into the building. Still not able to comprehend anything, my older sister took me into a disabled toilet, where she talked calmly to me, and reiterated the breathing exercises I’ve been taught to use as a coping mechanism. Physically, during a panic/anxiety attack, I usually shake, pull at my hands and fingers, rock back and forth, my heart races and I feel like I can’t take a deep breath in. My speech can slur, and I repeat myself. Sometimes, I don’t make much sense at all. Most times, I do end up crying during and/or afterwards. (While it is possible to forget things, the absent seizure I experienced before yesterday’s attack was probably the reason for my temporary loss of memory).

Anyway, once I’d stopped sobbing, my sister helped me into a room with our Mum and younger sister, and our hairdresser and beautician – both of whom I know very well. (They have become real friends of ours, as well as making us look better!) I had a drink and sat on the sofa until I was felt calm enough to continue on with the day. We went to a supermarket, but I stayed in the car with Mum and we had a nice chat. Back home, I had a hot shower, ate one of my favourite meals and watched my all-time favourite movie with my family. Before bed, I wrote down everything that was on my mind (a simple yet effective way to clear your head!) and then, I slept.

This morning, I woke up and felt refreshed. I wanted so much to write this blog post, but I talked myself out of it AGAIN, primarily due to anxiety itself. But, one of my glorious friends talked me back into it. She reinforced all the positives, and made me see, as she always does, that there are people who want to listen. (Thank you Layla, my loveliest!) I’ve spent a lot of time wondering why I’m not brave enough to stand up and say “I’m not ashamed.” But, that’s the thing: I CAN be brave enough… and so can you!

This post is only a tiny fraction of my mental health journey, but I want you to feel free to message me, talk to me (or anybody you trust) if you’re experiencing any kind of mental health issue, or even if you’re having a bit of bad time and just want to vent, I’m here for you! I’m no expert, but I am a good listener.

DISCLAIMER: I have and will always recommend visiting your doctor/medical professional if you feel you are struggling with your mental health. Our minds need to be taken care of, just as much as our bodies do (maybe more in some cases). However, if you don’t feel ready to do that, then PLEASE open up to somebody, whether this be a parent, a sibling, a friend etc, or one of the great organisations out there, such as:

Samaritans (116 123 –*

Mind Infoline (0300 123 3393 –*

SANEline (0300 304 7000 –*

The Mix (0808 808 4994 –*

and many more!

It is SO important to talk.

Love, Georgie xox


*Please note these are UK helplines/websites.

Moving Memoirs Dance Project

Moving Memoirs Dance Project

Hello everybody!


In December 2017, I uploaded my first video to YouTube. It was exciting and terrifying to me, to make the video public to everyone on such a huge platform, but I am super proud of the project and the people involved, and I just hope the views number continues to grow.

Anyway, my general concept for Moving Memoirs Dance Project was to use dance as a creative interpretation of two difficult subjects: bullying, which is a huge problem for so many people, and illness, particularly illnesses that take away your sense of control. Of course, that part stems from my own disorder, but I’ve also had experience with bullying. I was bullied as a kid, and when I worked with children during some voluntary work as an adult, I was witness to kids being teased and isolated by others, despite the “zero tolerance policy” at the school. As you’ll see in the video, my dance academy became my salvation as a child. As I grew up, I also moved on, but dance has always stayed with me and probably always will. So, when my therapist encouraged me to talk and write about all the problems I had faced – past and present – this idea came to me.

It would be something original and different; a new way to express myself (although technically, it was a rekindled way to express myself!) So, I contacted my dance teacher, and soon enough, I found myself back at my childhood academy, watching the current students rehearse their performances for this project. It was definitely a nostalgic experience for me, and it was fun to be back, even just for a little while!


I’d contacted a few videography companies, as I was unsure of their individual specialties and whether or not this project would be their kind of thing. Even over email, I knew that Forshaw Media were really interested. They answered all of my (sometimes lengthy) questions with patience and understanding. They also made me feel completely at ease working with them, and for someone like me, who is not only nervous by nature but also doing something like this for the first time, those qualities were essential.

It’s crazy how much happens between an initial idea and the finished product. It wasn’t just a case of asking my dance teacher to choreograph a few routines and finding a videographer who was interested – there was lots more to it!

Dance-wise, we had to decide what the main focus should be for each routine, how long each performance should be, and how many dancers should perform. We had to consider music, and if we wanted to use elaborate costumes or achieve a certain kind of look. My teacher then had to get permission from parents in order for their children to be on camera. They then had to create the pieces, and although they had my original concept in writing, the choreography was all down to them, and as you’ll see, it is amazing! As dancers, these girls are so incredibly talented, and as people, they are kind and polite, and so hard-working. I can’t even remember how many times each group performed, in order for the videographers to shoot from different angles etc. Filming day ran so smoothly; there was such a positive atmosphere and I found it so enjoyable. For all my nerves about IF something goes wrong, or IF I ended up making a huge fool of myself, or IF it got cancelled for some unknown reason, I needn’t have worried at all.

By working on this project, I learnt so much, both professionally and personally.

Though I’ve been told about the advantages of an online presence, I don’t really have a huge interest in social media. I haven’t had a Facebook profile for years now, and until recently, I only used my Twitter account when Strictly Come Dancing was on TV (I like to keep up with behind-the-scenes pics and videos!) I do enjoy using Instagram, but I sometimes delete my posts and start over, just because it doesn’t “flow.” But now, I have learnt that in this day and age, social media can be very helpful in spreading the word, and very powerful in reaching out to others. But, you do have to put yourself out there. You have to try contacting relevant organisations, and people who are already well-known, often in the public eye, even if every part of your mind is telling you they’ll never see it. Maybe they won’t, but at least you’ve tried, and if they do, then that’s great! But it is really difficult, especially without any kind of guarantee.

I have learnt to trust in myself and my instincts a little more. I’ve learnt that it isn’t rude or insulting to ask for something to be changed; it’s YOUR vision, and the people involved want to achieve that for you. Moving Memoirs also reiterated something I’ve known for a really long time: you have to be passionate. If you’re not passionate about it, it’s not going to work!

I’m really proud of the final product, and very grateful to everybody who made it so beautiful. Thank you all, for everything.

Check out a few photos from filming day by clicking here, and to see our video, type ‘Moving Memoirs Dance Project’ into YouTube, or simply click the following link:

Love, Georgie xox




My First Post

My First Post

Hello everybody!

This will be my first ever blog post, and I have spent ages (literally months!) going back and forth with it. What should it be about? What will make people want to read it? How should it look? Should I use pictures or not? How do I make it just right; not boring but not too chaotic? Even though I love writing, I’m brand new to blogging and didn’t really know where to start.

Eventually, I decided that my first blog post should be something simple that helps you get to know me! So, a few days ago, I spotted a questionnaire online, and thought I’d complete it as a little blog post. Nothing too special, but I hope you enjoy it!



1. What is your gender?


2. What is your current relationship status?


3. How old are you?


4. Where do you live?


5. Are you religious?

Not particularly

6. Do you drink and/or smoke?

No, neither

7. Do you have any piercings and/or tattoos?

Ears are pierced, no tattoos

8. Do you drive?

No #EpilepsyProbs

9. Do you exercise?

It’s a goal for the new year… 

10. Do you have kids?

Not yet

11. Would you date someone who had a child?


12. What are you thankful for?

My family, my friends, my neurologist and Tango Ice Blasts

13. What are your fears?

Failing, vomiting, creepy crawlies… probably loads more!                

14. What do you dislike about yourself?

Getting attached too quickly sometimes, how stressed I can be, and my massive forehead!

15. What do you like about yourself?



16. What is your favourite TV series?


17. What is your favourite talk show?

Probably The Ellen Show, but I do love Jeremy Kyle!

18. What is your favourite website?


19. What is your favourite social media?

To use, it’d be Instagram right now, but I love watching YouTube!

20. What is your favourite holiday?


21. What is your favourite movie?

Pretty Woman

22. What is your favourite store?


23. What is your favourite kind of exercise?

Walking and swimming

24. What is your favourite thing to do?

I know it might be a boring answer, but just being with my family and friends is my no1 favourite thing to do!

25. What was your favourite thing to do as a child?


26. What is your favourite colour?

I’m liking purple right now 🙂

27. What is your favourite food?


28. What is your favourite drink?

Orange and pineapple squash

29. What is your favourite animal?

Monkeys and penguins

30. What is your favourite Disney film?


31. What was your favourite subject in school?

English Lit

32. What is your favourite book?

I have loads, but my all-time favourite story is Alice in Wonderland



33. Who was the last person you texted?

My cousin

34. Who was the last person who texted you?

Also my cousin 

35. What was the last food you ate?

Spicy chips!

36. What was the last drink you had?

Diet coke

37. What was the last film you watched?

The Sound of Music

38. What was the last thing you bought?

Facial cleanser 

39. What was the last YouTube video you watched?

Jimmy Kimmel Mean Tweets

40. Who was the last person you emailed?

The videographer I worked with for Moving Memoirs

41. What was the last picture you took?

A silly-face selfie with my niece

42. What was the last place you went out to?

Retail park

43. What was the last thing you screenshotted?

Scrapbook ideas

44. What was the last shop you went in to?


45. Whose home did you last go into other than your own?

My cousins

46. What was the last car you were in?

My mums (don’t know which model the car is!)

47. What was the last card you received?

Christmas card

48. What was the last song you listened to?

Bedroom Floor by Liam Payne

49. What was the last outfit you wore?

Black skinny jeans, Christmas jumper and ballet flats

50. What was the last thing you plugged in?

Fairy lights

51. What was the last radio station you listened to?


52. What was the last thing you threw away?

Disposable flossers

53. Who was the last person you hugged?

My mum

54. Who was the last person you kissed?

My little niece

55. What was the last thing you organised?

My bookshelf

56. Where was the last place you travelled to on a train?


57. Where was the last place you travelled to on a plane?


58. What was the last gadget you used?

Phone, although I’ll be using my laptop to post this…


(This is me practising filming, featuring fairy lights, and my dressing gown!)


Okay, that’s all for today. Huge thanks for reading!

Love, Georgie xox